PADI IDC online option for the dry workshops

Would you prefer to complete some of the knowledge parts of the PADI IDC online prior to arrival in Kenya? For those of you who are pushed for time or would like to enhance your IDC experience by preparing you for the in-water presentations, Our PADI IDC online training allows you to complete the PADI eLearning, classroom workshops, and some knowledge development presentations through online face-to-face interactions with PADI Course Directors. This allows you to be much more flexible with your IDC preparation training and devote more of the IDC to the practical part.

The PADI IDC online learning work that would be completed would be:

PADI eLearning

PADI IDC eLearning (to be completed in your own time)- This is the IDC eLearning assigned by PADI which consists of presentations and exercises to get you familiar with the PADI instructor development process. This should be completed before the live presentations from the PADI Course Director and IDC Staff Instructors.

EFR Instructor Course eLearning (to be completed in your own time)- The theory for the EFR Instructor course should be completed before the practical teaching presentations and skills demonstrations, which are done on the main practical IDC section of the program.

PADI Online Workshops with PADI Course Director

PADI IDC Orientation – Includes schedule for the week and what to expect from your PADI IDC both online and on the practical in-water presentations in Kenya.

IDC Systems Workshop-This workshop is designed to familiarise you with PADI System components and their uses. You will learn to use the PADI Instructor Manual and the PADI Guide to Teaching and other reference materials such as slates and student manuals, as well as the difference between standards and recommendations.

You will explore how to find what you need to know, do, or reference while conducting PADI programs using your PADI materials

IDC Learning and Teaching Workshop– On this workshop you will develop an understanding on the learning and instructional theories and how they are applied to scuba diver training within the PADI system. This includes:

  • Why we use performance-based training and how we define the concept of “mastery learning”.
  • Handling real-life situations and staying within PADI standards and the importance of using good judgement.

DSD Workshop -On this workshop we will work on the practicalities of conducting the PADI Discover Scuba Diving experience program. The workshop will include:

  • Reading through standards of the PADI Discover Scuba Diving in the PADI Instructor Manual.
  • Reviewing and practicing how to conduct a DSD briefing
  • Discussing confined and open water sessions and supervision styles and rations.
  • Learning how to register Discover Scuba Diving participants with eLearning using the PADI online processing centre (OLPC)

Knowledge Development Presentations Workshop– This workshop works on training in the classroom. The workshop will include:

  • How to prepare and then present teaching presentations using the PADI system and what media support and other training aids can be used.
  • Looking at the difference between prescriptive teaching and micro teaching.
  • Preparing your first Knowledge Development Presentation
  • Presenting your first Knowledge Development Presentation of the PADI IDC

Open Water Set-up and Scheduling Workshop-This workshop looks at preparing you to set up an schedule your own PADI Open Water Diver course. The workshop will include:

  • Open Water Course Standard – Read through standards and scheduling options in the PADI Instructor Manual.
  • Using Figma emailed to you, you will work on virtual white boards to schedule PADI Open Water courses in different areas under different scenarios according to PADI Standards.

Knowledge Development Presentation #2 (Con-Ed Course) – You present your second knowledge development presentation of the PADI IDC.

Confined Water Training Workshop– During this workshop, you’ll be getting creative and using good judgement to choosing and working on confined water training sites. This will include:

  • You will decide on student and instructor positioning, confined site setup and skill sequencing for specific confined water dives on a number of different sites. You will use the virtual whiteboards on Figma to show how you would conduct the training.

Confined Water Teaching Presentations – On this workshop we will work together to prepare you for the confined water presentations that you will give on the PADI IDC and not he PADI IE. This will include:

  • A review of the PADI evaluation slate that the staff will be using to assess your presentations.
  • Using your teaching slates and lesson planning slate to prepare your first confined water presentation.
  • Doing a dry run of the first confined water skill including the briefing and debriefing of the skill in preparation for when you give these in the pool.
  • Confined water skill briefing – You present

Present Knowledge Development Presentation #3 (No PLG) – You present your third knowledge development presentation of the PADI IDC.

Advanced Open Water Course – This workshop will prepare you for teaching the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course and will include:

  • Read through PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course standards in the PADI Instructor Manual.

Con-Ed Workshop – On this workshop we will be examining working with the PADI continuing education system. This will include:

  • Learning how to link courses according to PADI standards.
  • Scheduling your own PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course using Figma interactive whiteboard. This will also include how to link corresponding PADI Specialty Diver courses to your PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course.

Open Water Training/Teaching Workshop -During this workshop, you’ll be getting creative and using good judgement to choose and arrange training sites for open water dives on PADI courses. The workshop will include:

  • Difference between confined and open water supervision.
  • How to sequence the skills within PADI Open Water Diver course dives and PADI Adventure dives in different locations.
  • The difference between an open water presentation and a confined water presentation on the PADI IDC
  • Preparing IDC Open Water presentations.
  • Present Open Water presentation briefing (2 skills) – You present.

Rescue Diver Course – This workshop will prepare you for teaching the PADI Rescue Diver course and will include:

  • Read through the PADI Rescue Diver course standards in the PADI Instructor Manual.
  • Go through all Rescue exercises and scenarios.

Risk Management and Licensing Workshop– This workshop covers the law and scuba diving. It will include:

  • Local regulations and insurance requirements
  • Required documentation and paperwork for PADI courses.
  • Dive incident data from the Divers Alert Network (DAN)
  • “How do you handle this?” workshop where you review example forms and paperwork.

Present Knowledge Development Presentation #4 (O2 Spec) – You present your fourth knowledge development presentation of the PADI IDC.

PADI Divemaster Course – This workshop will prepare you for teaching the PADI Divemaster course and will include:

  • Read through PADI Divemaster and PADI Junior Divemaster course standards in PADI Instructor Manual.

Sales Techniques and the Business of Diving Workshop – This workshop will prepare you for the sales side of being a PADI Instructor and will include:

  • How to market PADI courses
  • Licencing regulations
  • Sales techniques to help grow your business.

Dive Theory Workshop – Knowing your dive theory is an important part of being a PADI Instructor so you are in the position to answer “why”. This workshop will include:

  • Why dive professionals need to be proficient in dive theory.
  • Remedial practice on dive theory you need to go over.
  • Team teaching workshops acting as both instructor and student.

Close – On this presentation your PADI Course Director will explain what comes next when you arrive in Kenya including:

  • Logistics
  • In-water schedule of your PADI IDC and EFRI programs
  • The PADI IE procedures.

You would then complete the PADI skills circuit, swims, confined and open water presentation practice, and evaluation and knowledge development presentations on-site in Kenya, prior to entering the PADI IE (Instructor Examination) immediately following the IDC.